Young Artists’ Club

Ages 9+, with Sophie Newnham

Summer Term 2025 Course Dates

Saturdays 10am - 12 Noon

26 April

3, 10, 17 May

(Half term 24 & 31 May)

7, 14, 21, 28 June

5, 12, 19, 26 July

It is so exciting when artistic talent appears at an early age.

We are keen to encourage young artists. These classes are for older children (9+ years) who are showing a more serious approach to art.

The classes focus on traditional drawing, painting and collage techniques, in an encouraging and non-competitive environment. The work produced can be used to build a portfolio.

Course Details

A step-by-step approach to cover a range of traditional skills such as drawing, painting and collage and students will use a range of materials including pencils, charcoal, oil pastels, water colours and acrylics.

Each week we will work on unique projects covering different themes. Students will be encouraged to create beautiful artworks from life and from photographs, referencing art history throughout.

Undecided? Book a taster

For the taster session, all materials are included. For regular students, we recommend the purchase of an Art Pack - we can advise you on where to obtain this when you book.

Summer Term Programme

26 April: Exploring Line and Shape with Paul Klee

·        Warm-up: Quick line-drawing exercises (blind contour, continuous line)

·        Main Activity: Create cityscapes inspired by Paul Klee using pencil, ink & acrylics

·        Skill Focus: Mixing the palette; line quality; geometric composition & colour harmony


Reference artwork- ‘Cityscape’ by Paul Klee


3 May: Creating volume in paint- Caravaggio

·        Warm-up: Shading fruits and leaves.

·        Main Activity: Sketch a still life using a section of Caravaggio’s ‘Basket of Fruit ‘as inspiration

·        Skill Focus: Value scales, blending, light and shadow.


Reference artwork- ‘Basket of Fruit’- Caravaggio


10 May: Seasonal Landscapes with Van Gogh

·        Warm-up: Expressive marks using a variety of brushstrokes

·        Main Activity: Create bold, colourful landscapes in Van Gogh’s expressive brushstroke style.

  • Skill Focus: Expressive mark-making, colour application.


Reference artwork- Seasonal landscapes by Van Gogh.


17 May: Surreal Imagination with Rory Dobner

·        Warm-up: Sketching out ideas, combining 2 images together- pencils and inks

·        Main Activity: Drawing out a surrealist image of a an animal by RB

·        Skill Focus: Creativity, surrealist composition, fine ink details.


Reference artwork- Rory Dobner prints


7 June: Street Art with Jean-Michel Basquiat

·        Warm-up: Free-drawing symbols and words that represent themselves

·        Main Activity: Large-scale expressive paintings inspired by Basquiat using acrylic and ink and pastels

·        Fun Element: “Tag It” – design personal symbols and signatures like graffiti artists.

·        Skill Focus: Symbolism, layering, and energetic mark making.


Reference artwork: a selection of collages, graffiti, and symbolism by Basquiat.


14 June: Fantasy Worlds with Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli Inspired)

·        Warm-up: Design an imaginary landscape using pencils. Practice characters.

·        Main Activity: Create a fantasy landscape in acrylics and add in characters to tell a story.

·        Skill Focus: World-building, storytelling in art, mixed media.


Reference artwork: a selection of images from Miyazaki film stills.


21 June: Pop Art - Andy Warhol

·        Warm-up: Colour block painting practice.

·        Main Activity: Create a bold, repetitive acrylic painting of a common object in a pop art style

·        Skill Focus: Bold colours, graphic composition and repetition.


Reference artwork: ‘Campbell’s Soup Cans’


28 June: Painting a still life- Helena Schjerfbeck

·        Warm-up: Drawing bowls and fruit

·        Mani Activity: Replicate one of a selection of still lifes by Helena Scjerfbeck.

·        Skill focus: Ellipses, shadows, negative space, colour matching, Less is more.


Reference artwork: ‘Green Still Life’, 1930


5 July: Colourful minimalist architecture and people- Christabel Blackburn.

·        Warm-up: Sketching line drawings people, angles and architectural perspectives.

·        Main Activity: Drawing out composition and mixing a colourful acrylic palette to create a bold artwork.

·        Skill Focus: Mixing contemporary colours, Drawing shapes and perspectives. Simplifying shapes and mixing bold colours.


Reference artwork: Galleries and pavement series


12 July: Skies and sunsets- Claude Monet

·        Warm-up: Quick impressionist-style colour mixing on small paper

·        Main Activity: Create an impressionist sky with acrylics, using dabbing techniques.

·        Paint with brushes and sponges.

·        Skill Focus: Colour mixing, soft marks, atmosphere, mixing colours on the paper.


Reference artwork: Houses of Parliament, River Thames paintings.


19 July: Cubist Portraits - Pablo Picasso.

·        Warm-up:  Practicing elements of a Picasso portrait, sketching out distorted shapes

·        Main Activity: Creating a portrait with cubist elements.

·        Skill Focus: Flat features, Layering shapes with colour and outlines.  Imagination.


Reference artwork: Portraits of Jacqueline


26 July: Optical Illusions - M.C. Escher

·        Warm-up. Pattern doodles to create illusionary effects,

  • Main Activity: Create tessellation-based drawings inspired by Escher

  • Fun Element: “Impossible” challenge

  • Skill Focus: Precision, mathematical art, optical effects.

Reference artwork: ‘Relativity’ by Escher

All materials are provided for a taster session.  For subsequent lessons, you will find links to recommended materials below. You may already have some of these materials at home, in which case they will be fine to bring.

For regular students, we recommend purchasing a small collection of materials to keep in a bag so you can bring it with you each week. 

  •  A range of H and B pencils

  •  A small box of acrylic paints (including, as minimum the three primaries- red yellow and blue plus white)

  •  A washable palette or tear off palette

  •  A small assortment of brushes

  •  A4 sketchbook + tear off pad of A3 cartridge paper if you prefer to work on a larger scale.

Useful links for material suppliers as below:











Sketchbook for drawing/ painting (check it’s suitable for paint)

Alternatives can be found here: